Windows productivity apps that I value high as Front End Developer

I’ve been using Windows for more than 15 years and I’ve started Front-End development about 8 years ago. Since then I’ve used tons of productivity tools. Here’re the most valuable which really improved my workflow.



It’s a little utility that helps you to run applications without using mouse, just press Alt + Space and start typing. You can search for themes on DeviantArt but let me do that for you, here is the best one.



It’s a beautiful console emulator with a lot of options. Have you ever played Quake? There was that cool console which you could open with a tilde ~ key - you can do that with Cmder too, plus you can run it in full screen. Here you can download my Cmder settings. To import settings, open console and press Win + Alt + P, then select Import at the bottom.



It’s another beautiful tool - email client with simple interface. The main reason why I use it, is because it’s fast and stable. I’ve tried other email clients but they were either ugly or not stable/fast enough for everyday usage. Other useful features are shortcuts, snoozes and multiple accounts. Believe me or not but it’s probably the best Windows email client out there.

Feed Notifier

Feed Notifier

Another little utility that helps me to follow what happens with my Twitter, Dribbble or Facebook profile. At fact it’s an RSS reader which shows each RSS news as popup. You can even use it as gmail notifier.